Guru Parampara.

The Guru Lineage of Shriguru Dattatreya Yogashram.

The Eternal Guru:
Shriguru Dattatreya Yogashram’s pure yogic & tantric lineage, begins with the eternal Shiva and Shakti themself. They are known as the first Guru of all present yogic & tantric traditions. As they became manifest for the benefit of their manifest world, so did the knowledge and teachings of reaching the Divine State.

Shiva, known as Adinath the primordial Guru “Master”, transmits the knowledge through the conversations with Devi Parvati “Shakti”. That same knowledge of yog & tantra is known as Agama, and was furthur compiled/expounded by the great Guru's Shriguru Dattatreya, Shriguru Matsyendrantah, Shriguru Gorakshnath, Nandinath, Durvasa, Agastya, Patanjali, and more.

To understand the nature of Shiva and Shakti, we see the first shlok of Soundryalahari:

“Shivah Shakthyaa Yuktho Yadi Bhavathi Shakthaha Prabhavithum Na Chedevam Devo Na Khalu Kushalaha Sphandithumapi Athasthvaamaaraadhyaam Hariharavirinchaadibhirapi Prananthum Sthothum Vaa Kathamakruthapunyaha Prabhavathi!”

“Shiva becomes capable of creating the Universe, only when united with Shakti (Thee), but otherwise (when not so joined with Thee), He is incapable of even a stir, How then could one, who has not acquired merit (punya)- in this and previous births worship Thee or atleast praise Thee, who is adored even by Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and others"

In Yogic understanding, Shiva who is known as Prakash (Light), and Shakti who is known as Vimarsha (His Reflection), transcend as all of the Creation.

In another understanding, Shiva is Akula, and Shakti is Kula. The one who is adept at investigating the relationship between Kula and Akula [Shiva & Shkati] is known as a Kaula. 

Hence, the tantric tradition of ShivShakti is known as Kaul Tradition. The original Yogic/Tantric traditions of the Siddhas, is originated from Adninath Shiv & Udayanath Parvati (Shakti). The passed down Knowledge was later organized by the Nath Siddhas, who developed advanced systems related to Pranayam, Asan, Mudra, Bandha, and other yogic/tantric practices.

Shriguru Dattareya.
Amongst all the Yogic Siddhas of the Ages, Shriguru Dattareya is known as the very first one. He is the incarnation of Shri Vishnu, born to rishi Atri and Sati Ansuya in the Satayuga, and is also known as the first Guru amongst Nath Siddhas, Kaul Tantrics, Aghori, Yogi’s and the other monastic traditions.

Shriguru Dattatreya is the primordial Guru. He is also the representation of the Trinity, and the embodiment of the ShivShakti Ideal, as complete Oneness. He passes the Yogic/Tantric tradition to the chosen various Siddha’s, which then form the various Yogic traditions which branch off from the primary Lineage.

The Knowledge that Shriguru Dattatreya passes down in his various incarnations, is the same Knowledge that was transmitted origionally through the conversations between Shiva & Parvati (Shakti).

This is the transmission of the Agamic Knowledge.

Nath Siddha Tradition.
The Nath Siddha Yogic Lineage is a Yogic/Tantric tradition deeply rooted in ancient Indian spirituality & esoteric practices. Originating from the Natha Sampradaya, a sect founded by Shriguru Dattatreya, this lineage emphasizes the synthesis of physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation, and tantric rituals to achieve spiritual self-realization. The Nath Siddhas, also known as “Avadhoots”, are the fifth Ashrama and Varna. This means, they transcend the four primary Ashram’s, such as Brahmacharya, Grihasta, Vanprastha and Sannyas. They are also known to be belonging to the Varna of Shiva himself. Being beyond social/spiritual construct of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. They are regarded as adepts with supernatural powers, are known for their austere & sovereign lifestyle and the pursuit of spiritual mastery through a yogic/tantric approach that harmonizes the body, mind, and soul with Paramshiv.

Beginning with Adinath Shiv & Shakti, who are considered the eternal Guru of the Nath Siddha Lineage, the teachings have been transmitted through an unbroken chain of Gurus such as Shriguru Dattareya, Shriguru Matsyendranath, Shriguru Gorakshnath. The practitioners of this lineage follow a guru-disciple relationship, where knowledge is imparted through direct transmission and experiential learning. The Nath Siddhas practices are diverse, encompassing a wide range of yogic and tantric techniques with an ultimate goal of attaining liberation and transcending the limitations of the material world.

Shriguru Matsyendranath.
Shriguru Matsyendranath, often revered as one of the founding figures of Hatha Yoga & Tantra, is steeped in legend and revered as both a sage and a master of esoteric practices. There are mentions of Him being present in different ages, as different incarnations. Shriguru Matsyendranath is credited with codifying and disseminating ancient yogic/tantric teachings, particularly Hatha Yoga, through his disciple Shriguru Gorakshanath.

His propagation of original yogic & tantric knowledge is often attributed to his role in the Nath Yogic Tradition, where he emphasized a combination of physical practices (Hatha Yoga) along with Tantric philosophies. Matsyendranath's teachings focused on the integration of breath control, physical postures and meditation techniques to achieve spiritual realization. He is said to have traveled extensiely sharing his profound wisdom; Thereby contributing significantly to the preservation and transmission of original yogic and tantric knowledge across different regions in India. Shriguru Matsyendranath's legacy lives on through the Nath tradition, which continues to influence various yoga practices & spiritual philosophies today.

Shriguru Gorakshnath.
Shriguru Gorakshanath is a prominent figure in the Nath tradition, and is a disciple of Shriguru Matsyendranath. He is a key proponent of Hatha Yoga & Tantra. Shriguru Gorakshanath is revered as the incarnation of Adinath Shiv Himself, the eternal Yogi and Guru. Shriguru Gorakshanath is credited with systematizing/organizing Hatha Yoga and further expanding the Nath traditions influence.

He is associated with the compilation of several influential texts, such as the "Goraksha Samhita," which outline various yogic techniques and principles. Shriguru Gorakshanath's teachings focused on the transformative power of yoga to purify the body, mind, and soul, leading to self-realization and union with the Paramashiv.

His emphasis on simplicity and practicality in yogic practices made the teachings accessible to a wide range of individuals. Shriguru Gorakshanath's legacy endures through the continued practice of Nath tradition, and the profound impact it has had on the evolution of yogic and tantric knowledge throughout the centuries.

Shriguru Gambhirnath.
Shriguru Gambhirnath stands as a highly accomplished saint who achieved mastery in Hathyoga, Rajyoga, and Layayoga. In the Nath tradition, an extraordinary Yogi of his caliber has not emerged for several centuries. He seamlessly combined the legacies of both Patanjali and Shriguru Gorakhnath, making him a unique successor to these revered figures.

Legend has it that he achieved mastery in all three facets of yoga. Commencing his spiritual odyssey in his youth, Shriguru Gambhirnath sought enlightenment at the Shriguru Gorakhnath Math, where he became a pupil under the tutelage of Mahant Baba Gopalnath, a revered yoga master. Imbued with a deep commitment to yoga and meditation, he immersed himself along the serene banks of the Ganges in Varanasi.

For a span of three years, Shriguru Gambhirnath immersed himself in meditation within a cave in Jhusi, Prayagraj. He practiced asceticism in Amarkantak, engaged in profound spiritual exercises in Kapildhara and Gaya, and delved into extensive studies of various Hindu texts. Embarking on a pilgrimage to Kailash Mansarovar, he encountered and drew inspiration from numerous yogis, revitalizing the yogic principles of the Nath lineage. Devoting a significant portion of his time to Bengal, he garnered a substantial following and disciples.

Shriguru Tulsinath.
How can one begin to describe the greatness of Guru, and the love a devotee has.

Guruji is one of the most revered & respected Sadhu's within the Nath Siddha Tradition, as well as the other major Sadhu Traditions in Bharat (India) today.

He was Initiated into the Nath Siddha Tradition at a very young age by Mahant Yogi Shri Nouminathji Maharaj Of Gorakshpeeth (Gorakhpur). The first Deeksha Of Tulsinathji happened near a Tulsi plant within Matha, upon which his Guruji Nouminath Mahraj Gave Him the name “Tulsinath”. Pujya Baapu is Indeed a God realized Siddha, and a great Upasak In current times.

Starting his early days in Gorakshpeeth, he studied the major subjects of Sanskrit, varrius Yoga, and different methods of Sadhana. He traveld the length & breath of Bharat, performing difficult Sadhanas; Such as fasting for many days, and living in caves/jungles.

One such Tapasay was doing Khadeshwari Tapasya for periods of 6 & 12 years. In this Tapas the Sadhak doesn't lie or sit down, and performs all activities in standing position only. Guruji is a great Upasak of Devi Saraswati. He has performed multiple Anushthan of Koti Jaap (10 million chant) through his life. Later, he performed difficult Tapasya in the mountains of Himalaya, before settling in Girnar Junagadh. Guruji established a small temple of Mata Saraswati and his Ashram at Bhavnath Taleti. Today, He is continues his Sadhna/Upasna and performs many big Pujans's and Homa's for welfare of the World.

Yogi Avantikanath &
Yogini Yogeshwari Devi.
Yogiji and Yoginiji have dedicated their time to propgating the authentic Yogic & Tantric Knowledge of this great Eternal Lineage for all sincere seekers of the present day.