Nath Yog Sadhana.
नाथ योग साधना

The Official Yogic Sadhana & Education of
Shriguru Dattatreya Yogashram.

Nath Yoga follows the Eternal tradition of the Siddha's & Yogi's of the Nath lineage. It teaches authentic Yog-Sadhana, along with other ancient sacred teachings. Nath Yog-Sadhana farthur emphasizes Bhakti towards ShivaShakti as well as Seva towards all other sentient beings.
Nath Yoga.
The ultimate goal of Yoga, is to unite the individual being with the supreme state of Paramashiv. The practices and techniques used in authentic Yogic practice, awakens the Kundalini Shakti and activates the energetic journey She takes to unite with Shiva within our inner Being. Yoga is to become Complete in this Oneness, where the Divine Counscioussnes [Shiva] and the Creative Energy [Shakti] are merged and under the control of the Saddhak Yogi.

The ancient Yogic Texts, speak about FOUR primary Yoga's which are at the root of all other spiritual practices.

These Yoga's are: Mantra Yoga,  Hatha Yoga, Laya Yoga, and Raja Yoga.

MANTRA YOGA: Mantra Yoga is a practice that uses Mantra Jaapa (chanting), Nyasa (establishment of mantra syllables within body), Dhyan (visualization) of Ishtadevata. Each practice following the guidance of Guru, and methods prescribed within the various Yogic scriptures. These practices help to focus the mind and connect with higher consciousness. By meditating & silent repetition, specific vibrations and energies of the matrikas (syllables) are invoked, aiding in spiritual growth. It harnesses the power of Naad (sound) to transcend the physical and reach deeper states of awareness, fostering inner peace and alignment with the Divine.

HATHA YOGA: This foundational branch of yoga emphasizes physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), Mudra, Bandha, Kriya and Mantra, to achieve balance between the body, mind, and soul. This awakens Kundalini Shakti, who transcends through the six Chakras and unites with Shiva in the seventh Chakra (Sahasrar). The practice involves holding poses to activiate the flow of Prana (life force energy) throughout the major Nadi's within the gross body. It also enhances flexibility and overall well-being of organs and immunity in order to pass through higher levels of Sadhana.

LAYA YOGA: Laya Yoga is a spiritual discipline that focuses on the dissolution or absorption (laya) of individual consciousness into the universal consciousness. It involves intense meditation, breath control, and visualization techniques to awaken and redirect the flow of energy within the body. Practitioners follow different methods in which they withdraw their own senses and mind from external influences. These methods draw the mind inward in order to establish Dharana. The purpose of Dharana is to cultivate mental focus and bring the mind into a state of concentration, preparing it for deeper states of meditation. By concentrating the mind on a specific focal point, practitioners aim to quiet the fluctuations of the mind and develop a sense of inner stillness, realizing the Shiva Tattva within.  

RAJA YOGA:  Through the practice of various foundational Yogic methods, the Yogi proceeds towards continuous and uninterrupted Sadhana of Yog & Dhyana (concentration), leading to a state of consciousness where the Sadhak  (meditator) and Sadhya (the root of meditation i:e Shiva) become one. This union leads to The State Of Samadhi. Through profound spiritual absorption, the individual transcends the Ego identity and experiences a sense of oneness with universal consciousness, becoming a Jeevanmukta Avadhuta.

*This is a very high level of Yog Sadhana, and takes many lifetimes to reach, but must be mentioned within the authentic practices, and the journey a seeker will take*

Kaul Tantra.
Kaul Tantra centers around the worship of ShivaShakti. Shakti is worshiped & awakened as the feminine aspect of the Divine and the supreme Creative Energy. Shakti is revered as the Cosmic Mother, and the One who bestows Moksha (liberation). Practitioners seek to connect with Shakti Tattva through various rituals & practices.

Kaul Tantra places a strong emphasis on deep Sadhana. This may involve Mantra chanting, Meditation, Visualization upon Yantras (Geometrical Body of Shakti) and other rituals aimed at realizing the divine within oneself.

Kaul Tantra incorporates the understanding of Chakras (energy centers) and Kundalini, the latent Pranic Energy believed to be coiled at the base of the spine.

*Traditionally, Kaul Tantra teachings were considered esoteric, and were transmitted orally from teacher to student. Initiates are often required to undergo specific rituals and practices under the guidance of a qualified Guru only*

It's important to note that while Kaul Tantra includes symbolic & ritualistic aspects, it does not necessarily advocate indulgence in external or sensual pleasures. Instead, it emphasizes transcending dualities and achieving spiritual realization through disciplined practice and devotion. Like other branches of Tantra, Kaul Tantra is diverse, and interpretations and practices may vary among different lineages and traditions.

Bhakti is considered a path accessible to people of all backgrounds. The ultimate goal of Bhakti is to attain Union with the Divine through pure and selfless expressions of Love.

Bhakti involves regular prayers, rituals & worship (puja) as expressions of love and devotion. Devotees may offer flowers, incense, food, and other symbolic items to their Ishtadevata (chosen deity). The practice also includes regular repetition of sacred Mantras & Bhajans (hymns) dedicated to their Ishtadevata. This practice is believed to purify the mind and cultivate a deep spiritual connection. Devotees come together with a community of like-minded individuals to engage in devotional activities, sing hymns, and share spiritual discourse.

Devotees also celebrate various festivals such as Maha Shivaratri, Dattatreya Jayanti, Guru Purnima, Different Navratri's, Month Of Shravan and other major festivals & Pujans through the year. During these celebrations, devotees will perform various rituals, offerings, and other special acts of devotion.

Seva is a Sanskrit term that translates to "Selfless- Service" or "voluntary action performed for the benefit of others." Rooted in Hindu philosophy, the concept of Seva extends across various spiritual traditions & cultures. It emphasizes the idea of serving others with compassion and without any expectation of personal gain.

Seva is considered a virtuous and transformative practice that fosters a sense of community, empathy, and spiritual growth. Seva is often seen as a way to express devotion and gratitude to the Divine, and it is considered a virtuous and spiritually uplifting practice.

Such Seva's include, Annakshetra (Feeding), Gau/ Jeev Seva (Animal Welfare), Sadhu Seva, Samaj Seva, Free Education, Children's Welfare, School Material Distribution, Environment/Temple Cleanup, Health & Wellness Camps, Dharmic & Culturral Activities and a lot more.